Service delivery

Working in partnership with our customers and other service providers is integral to improving the health and wellbeing, economic and social participation of Queenslanders. We will work together to deliver:

  • holistic pathway planning approaches and improved customer outcomes through person-centred responses
  • improved liveability and prosperity of communities across the state
  • increased supply of diverse and sustainable housing.

Housing services support people’s goals for a better future

Seamless service delivery

We will enhance our Housing Service Centre environments and make greater use of technology to provide timely housing assistance.

A collaborative approach

We will work with our partners to link Queenslanders to services and support focusing on collaboration, referral pathways and seamless service delivery to address a person’s housing and support needs.

Person-centred responses

We are committed to person-centred responses, delivering high quality services and collaborating with non-government services. The principles of rights, choice, control and inclusion are person-centred and focused on housing design and service delivery ensuring that housing options are easy to navigate, live in and adaptable to people’s changing needs.​

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