2007 to 2009 building and plumbing newsflashes

The below newsflashes are provided for reference. Only newsflashes that are still relevant are provided.

NumberDateTitle Type and size
396 5 November 2009 Pool safety barriers code and CPR sign giveaway PDF, 81KB
395 30 October 2009 Changes to Queensland's building laws—Free training sessions PDF, 126KB
394 6 October 2009 Request for plumbers to complete a Form 16I—Inspection certificate PDF, 80KB
393 5 October 2009 Regulatory Impact Statement for mandatory load control of pool filtration systems PDF, 65KB
392 30 September 2009 Course approved for the new solar and heat pump hot water system installation endorsement PDF, 86KB
391 21 September 2009 Swimming pool safety improvement strategy and draft new code for pool safety barriers PDF, 121KB
390 15 September 2009 Plumbing and drainage licence endorsements PDF, 92KB
389 14 September 2009 Building Regulation 2006 amendments—Bushfire standard, cadet building certifiers and QFRS inspection time frames PDF, 133KB
388 2 September 2009 Expression of interest for building and development tribunals referee appointments PDF, 75KB
387 2 September 2009 Housing energy efficiency—peer review process PDF, 73KB
386 1 September 2009 Commencement of the sales ban of inefficient air conditioners in Queensland PDF, 140KB
385 27 August 2009 Additional information sessions for AS 3959–2009—Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas PDF, 125KB
384 7 August 2009 Cyclone testing station technical alert: Fixing window frames PDF, 56KB
PDF, 106KB
383 7 August 2009 Additional information sessions for AS 3959–2009—Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas PDF, 51KB
PDF, 149KB
382 4 August 2009 Alert on the potential risk of using non-compliant structural plywood PDF, 130KB
PDF, 210KB
381 4 August 2009 Build it Back Green—Toward Q2 foundation partnership with Green Cross Australia PDF, 149KB
380 3 August 2009 Approval of existing building work PDF, 90KB
379 22 July 2009 Draft code on construction requirements for temporary accommodation buildings PDF, 52KB
378 22 July 2009 Building Australia's Future conference 2009 PDF, 100KB
377 22 July 2009 Information sessions for AS 3959–2009—Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas PDF, 104KB
PDF, 150KB
376 20 July 2009 Treated blackwater reuse trials for South East Queensland PDF, 105KB
375 20 July 2009 Amendments to plumbing and drainage legislation PDF, 102KB
374 16 July 2009 Draft BCA 2010 available for public comment PDF, 68KB
373 13 July 2009 Queensland Development Code MP5.4—Child care centres P8 personal washing facilities PDF, 72KB
372 25 June 2009 Installation and sale ban of inefficient air-conditioners from 1 September 2009 PDF, 84KB
371 18 June 2009 Adoption of Australian Standard 3959–2009 PDF, 89KB
370 2 June 2009 Private certifier's course: Issuing development permits for building work
  • Course in issuing development permits for building work—Enrolment form
369 28 May 2009 Combination hand basin and cistern PDF, 56KB
368 22 May 2009 Queensland Development Code (QDC) Mandatory Part (MP) 4.1—Sustainable buildings: Guidelines and fact sheet on air-conditioner requirements PDF, 93KB
367 22 May 2009 Definition of the class 2 building classification under the Building Code of Australia (BCA) PDF, 94KB
366 19 May 2009 Guideline for Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 6.1—Maintenance of fire safety installations PDF, 85KB
365 12 May 2009 Public consultation and road shows for Queensland's swimming pool safety laws review PDF, 78KB
364 1 May 2009 Changes to Queensland Development Code Mandatory Parts 4.1—Sustainable buildings and 5.9—Buildings and structures in cyclonic areas PDF, 99KB
363 1 May 2009 Public consultation and road shows for Queensland's swimming pool safety laws review PDF, 77KB
362 28 April 2009 Public consultation and road shows for Queensland's swimming pool safety laws review
  • The report and an information flyer can be downloaded from the pool safety laws page.
361 28 April 2009 Building the Education Revolution program/planning scheme exemptions PDF, 101KB
360 16 April 2009 Plumbing licensing requirements—Employee and contractor PDF, 81KB
359 8 April 2009 Draft amended Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 4.1—Sustainable buildings and pending expiry of Mandatory Part 5.9—Buildings and structures in cyclonic areas PDF, 98KB
358 31 March 2009 Rainwater tanks—Mosquito protection and first flush devices PDF, 170KB
357 16 March 2009

Building Australia's Future Conference 2009

  • Building Australia's Future 2009
356 10 March 2009 Amendments to Integrated Development Assessment System Form 1 PDF, 78KB
355 5 March 2009 Changes to building energy rating software and NatHERS protocol for assessor accrediting organisations PDF, 72KB
354 27 February 2009 BCA 2009 and Queensland update training road shows
  • ABCB—BCA 2009 Training series & Building Codes Qld update
353 20 February 2009 Sustainable housing policy commences through revised codes, QDC MP4.1 and the QPWC, and specified Integrated Planning Regulation 1998 assessment time frames are amended PDF, 79KB
352 16 February 2009 Trial lighting calculator for BCA Volume 1 PDF, 63KB
351 4 February 2009 Reminder: Private certifier's course—Issuing development permits for building work, Brisbane 12 and 13 February 2009.
See Newsflash 342 for enrolment form.
350 30 January 2009 BCA information seminars PDF, 73KB
349 28 January 2009 Automatic fire sprinkler systems PDF, 44KB
348 6 January 2009 Draft Disability (Access to Premises—Buildings) Standards PDF, 52KB
347 22 December 2008 Amendments to the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2000 PDF, 60KB
346 19 December 2008

Draft amended Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 4.1—Sustainable Buildings

A copy of the Draft QDC Mandatory Part 4.1  is no longer available for review.

345 17 December 2008 Fire safety in residential care buildings built prior to June 2007 Release of the public benefit test (PBT) report
  • Fire safety in existing residential care buildings
344 15 December 2008 Improving sustainable housing in Queensland discussion paper—Approved policy outcomes PDF, 77KB
343 11 December 2008 Commencement of new Queensland Development Code MP6.1—Maintenance of fire safety installations, and amendments to the Building Fire Safetey Regulation 2008 PDF, 58KB
342 8 December 2008 Private certifiers' course—Issuing development permits for building work
  • Issuing Development Permits for Building Work
  • Course in issuing development permits for building work—Enrolment form
341 3 December 2008 Requirements for owners of large greywater treatment plants under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 and the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 PDF, 55KB
340 24 November 2008 Consultation on revision of construction requirements in bushfire prone areas PDF, 53KB
339 17 November 2008 Reminder that the low-high-low cyclonic test method transition period will expire 1 May 2009. Advice on removal and review of Qld BCA variations PDF, 48KB
338 14 November 2008 Commencement dates for amended codes PDF, 44KB
337 11 November 2008 Call for papers—Building Australia's Future conference PDF, 58KB
336 11 November 2008 BCA 2009 information seminars BAF Consulting on behalf of Australian Building Codes Board invites you to register for the BCA 2009 PDF, 52KB
335 29 October 2008 Notification of amended forms under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 PDF, 70KB
334 22 October 2008 New approved forms for the Building Act 1975 commence on Monday 27 October 2008 PDF, 60KB
333 16 October 2008 Draft amended codes available for viewing on the department's website PDF, 60KB
332 12 September 2008 BCA section J Brisbane seminar Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) will host a one-day seminar in Brisbane on Wednesday 17 September 2008 on Section J of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). PDF, 58KB
331 3 September 2008 Recognition of RICS-accredited building certifiers in Australia
  • Communication between the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors
330 1 August 2008 Certificate of classification guideline and fact sheet PDF, 54KB
PDF, 419KB
329 1 August 2008 New and amended forms for the Building Act 1975 and Integrated Planning Act 1997 PDF, 59KB
328 18 July 2008 Expansion of the building and development tribunals PDF 86KB
327 31 July 2008 Draft guideline for the meaning of class 2 classification under the Building Code of Australia PDF, 55KB
PDF, 223KB
326 17 July 2008 Draft Building Code of Australia 2009 PDF, 37KB
325 21 July 2008 Rockhampton community consultation Improving sustainable housing in Queensland PDF, 60KB
324 8 July 2008 Mackay community consultation—Improving sustainable housing in Queensland PDF, 49KB
323 4 July 2008 Amendments to the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002. PDF, 63KB
322 21 June 2008 Peer review guideline for energy-efficiency assessments of new housing. PDF, 40KB
321 20 June 2008 Discussion paper—Improving sustainable housing in Queensland road shows PDF, 55KB
320 15 June 2008 Discussion paper—Improving sustainable housing in Queensland. PDF, 40KB
319 26 May 2008 Discussion paper—Improving sustainable housing in Queensland PDF, 72KB
PDF, 585KB
318 21 May 2008 Australia Post specifications for letterboxes PDF, 137KB
317 21 May 2008 Guidelines for practical crime prevention through environmental design solutions PDF, 85KB
316 20 May 2008 BCA 2008 commenced in Queensland on 1 May 2008 PDF, 84KB
315 2 May 2008 Extension of the transitional period for the low-high-low cyclonic test method in Queensland PDF, 82KB
314 2 May 2008 Clarification for sub-metering and QDC parts MP 4.1, MP 4.2 and MP 4.3 PDF, 81KB
313 28 April 2008 Amendments to the Building Act 1975 and the Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990 through the Building and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2008 commenced on 23 April 2008. PDF, 75KB
312 18 April 2008 Amendments to the Building Act 1975 through the Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (BOLA08) were passed PDF, 81KB
311 9 April 2008 Sub-meter hot water PDF, 71KB
310 4 April 2008 Amendments to QDC MP2.1 and 2.2 PDF, 66KB
309 1 April 2008 Common licensing renewal date PDF, 66KB
308 6 March 2008 BCA energy efficiency provisions PDF, 76KB
307 6 March 2008 Proposed amendments to MP2.1 and 2.2 PDF, 51KB
306 28 February 2008 End IDAS form transitional period PDF, 72KB
305a 28 February 2008 Swimming pool safety barriers PDF, 76KB
305 19 February 2008 Swimming pool safety barriers PDF, 75KB
304 18 February 2008 BCA 2008 information PDF, 80KB
303 18 February 2008 ABCB model handbook PDF, 73KB
302 5 February 2008 Live fire experience
  • Flyer
301 17 January 2008 Online registration plumbing laws PDF, 87KB
300 11 January 2008 New plumbing laws and water demand management PDF, 88KB
299 13 December 2007 New Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code commenced 1 January 2008 PDF, 79KB
298 13 December 2007 New mandatory water savings measures through updated Parts of the Queensland Development Code, the deletion of QDC Part 3, renumbering and realignment of all QDC Parts PDF, 139KB

Archived newsflashes