Building Contract Management
Building Contract Management provides the following key services across government and for the Queensland public.
Category management
We work with industry and across government ensuring spending on building construction and maintenance (BCM) programs is planned and collaborative to maximise value for money and opportunities for local businesses through job creation and improved social outcomes.
Our category management approach to the Government’s procurement of building construction and maintenance work involves:
- Working collaboratively across agencies and industry to develop capability and drive innovative strategic procurement
- Managing the Forward Procurement Pipeline to improve data visibility and accurate forecasting for forward planning, collaborative bundling opportunities and leveraging of government resources.
The BCM category includes spend on building contractors, trade contractors, specialists, building operations, materials and equipment, property and real estate.
Procurement spend data analytics and modelling are conducted to ensure accurate forward planning and achievement of value for money outcomes.
Completed annually, the BCM Category Strategy demonstrates the purpose of a category management approach, insights into industry and supply markets and provides a 12 month action plan.
Pre-qualification (PQC) System
We manage the PQC System, a whole-of-government central register of prequalified building consultants and contractors.
We provide guidelines to government departments for the selection of building industry service providers above certain spend thresholds and aim to:
- Streamline tendering processes
- Reduce costs of tendering for both the client and the consultant or contractor
- Match consultant and contractor capabilities with the service required
- Reinforce security of payment on government building projects
Development Tribunals
We administratively manage the Development Tribunals providing a low-cost, timely, non-court based resolution service for Queenslanders appealing a building construction decision.
The Tribunals consist of independent industry experts who are appointed as referees to hear appeals against decisions of local government and building certifiers.
A Tribunal decision is binding unless appealed in the Planning and Environment Court. Currently the Development Tribunals has 96 referees across the State with broad expertise including lawyers, engineers, town planners and building certifiers, with approximately 50% being women.
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