Contract Services

Our role

Contract Services is a unit within Major Projects, Public Works.

We advise on contractual matters relating to the procurement and delivery of government building construction and maintenance projects in accordance with the Building Policy Framework.

Our role includes:

  • developing and maintaining standard building construction and maintenance related contracts, including conditions of offer, for use on all government building construction and maintenance projects
  • providing procurement and contracting strategies and solutions for building construction and maintenance projects, including in response to project-specific requirements or constraints
  • providing expert advice on building construction and maintenance related procurement and contracting matters to ensure quality, consistency, fairness and efficiency in government’s dealings with industry and the effective implementation of government’s building related policies
  • managing claims, disputes, defaults, insolvencies and subcontractor’s charges on behalf of government, including:
    • contractual claims or disputes which concern the interpretation of clauses in the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works standard contracts
    • substantial breaches of contract which may lead to termination or take-over of the contract
    • subcontractor’s charges made under Security of Payment legislation
    • conversion or use of security that is not in the form of money or the exercising of set off rights across contracts.

See our range of template terms and conditions for use on government building construction and maintenance projects.

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