Domestic and family violence prevention and awareness

We are committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for our employees. This includes support for employees affected by domestic and family violence (DFV).

The department has been reaccredited as a White Ribbon Workplace. The White Ribbon program accredits workplaces that promote respectful, safe and inclusive cultures by taking active steps to prevent and respond to violence.

DFV is a workplace issue, and can impact a person’s safety, wellbeing, attendance, and performance at work.

We recognise that violence is grounded in gender inequality. As a department, we play a critical role in creating cultural change to stop violence against women, both in and out of the workplace.

We promote women's equal participation in the workforce, respectful relationships in the workplace, and the breaking down of harmful stereotypes about men's and women's roles at work and in society.

Together we are building a safe and supportive culture that demonstrates respect, gender equity and a zero tolerance to violence.

The department’s prevention and awareness activities help employees better recognise, prevent and respond to domestic and family violence—everyone has the right to feel safe and supported in the workplace.

Workplace activities

Our commitment to DFV prevention and support is ongoing. Some of our key activities include:

  • maintaining a domestic and family violence policy
  • encouraging employees to stand up, speak out and act to prevent DFV
  • providing workplace training to assist employees and managers affected by domestic and family violence
  • providing access to employee support services, including an employee assistance service and early intervention centre
  • promoting key events that raise awareness of domestic and family violence, including Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, the Darkness to Daylight Challenge, White Ribbon Night and White Ribbon Day

As Queensland Government is the state's largest employer, we can all make a big contribution towards ending DFV, by supporting affected colleagues and creating a safe, respectful and supportive workplace culture. ​

Further information about services and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence is available from the Queensland Government Domestic and family violence online portal.

Who to call for help

If you, or someone else is in immediate danger contact 000.

If you would like to report domestic and family violence, this can now be done online through the QLD Police website.​​