Increasing social housing supply

The Queensland Government is continuing its record investment in social and affordable housing and housing and homelessness support.

Homes for Queenslanders

On 6 February 2024, we released our new housing plan, Homes for Queenslanders, supported by an additional $3.1 billion investment. Homes for Queenslanders sets an ambitious target of 1 million homes by 2046, including 53,500 social homes.

The plan will work across the broader housing system – bringing together private and public housing delivery, planning reforms, local government partnerships, state development, and significant infrastructure and public works – to deliver more homes, faster and more supports for people in housing need.

We will work in partnership with community housing providers and the Australian Government to deliver on this ambitious target, including through the Australian Government’s Social Housing Accelerator and the Housing Australia Future Fund.

In addition to new builds, we will continue to purchase existing homes, vacant former retirements villages, aged care facilities and motels to be turned into social housing. The target will also include youth foyers, domestic and family violence shelters, and other supportive housing for families and people in need.

The plan will also support the purchase of homes the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) by selected community housing providers. This builds on our ongoing commitment to retaining homes exiting NRAS through the Housing Investment Fund.

Big Build

The Queensland Government has launched the $107 billion Big Build capital program to transform Queensland's infrastructure over the next 4 years.

The program will include more housing, better health and transport facilities and services, and upgrades to schools across Queensland.

Of the capital works delivered, $1.365 billion will be allocated to building and upgrading housing to provide more affordable and quality homes for Queenslanders through our Homes for Queenslanders plan.

Builders and trades should register with QTenders to see contract opportunities as they are released.

Modern Methods of Construction

Through partnership with industry, the Queensland Government is delivering modern homes that are energy efficient, accessible and adaptive to Queensland’s housing needs. The Modern Methods of Construction program increases production speed and supports delivery certainty.

This QBuild program implements innovative construction techniques developed in partnership with the Office of the Queensland Government Architect and industry suppliers.

On 31 May 2024, we announced a program of 600 new modular dwellings to support the faster roll out of homes in key priority regions across Queensland. We will deliver these dwellings by the end of 2025.