Sustainable buildings

We will help Queensland deliver a zero-net emissions target by 2050.

A sustainable building industry creates healthier, cost-efficient, climate-friendly places as well as jobs and greater investment.

Queenslanders understand that more efficient use of resources will not only enhance the lives we live today but also provide our children with a sustainable future.

Making an effort to minimise the operating costs of a building over its life will reduce emissions and help meet state and national targets.

The building sector contributes 14% of Queensland’s carbon emissions and is therefore critical to achieving energy and emission goals. By 2050 new homes and buildings will make up more than half of our built environment, providing an opportunity to reduce emissions through smart design.

The Queensland Government is leading by example.

We are saving Queenslanders money by removing unnecessary restrictions on the installation of solar hot water panels. We are helping to meet our target of one million solar rooftops on homes and small businesses by installing solar panels on government buildings in places such as Lockhart River which will reduce the community’s use of diesel power.

We are also installing solar panels on public housing in the trial areas of Cairns, Rockhampton and Logan and have improved laws to enable the orientation of solar hot water panels to suit Queensland’s environment.

Action items

  • Saving Queenslanders money by removing unnecessary restrictions on the installation of solar hot water panels.
  • Implement measures to improve the sustainability of Queensland Government buildings, reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency, in line with Queensland’s climate change commitments.
  • Trial the application of Green Star rating tools and evaluate their costs and benefits.
  • Develop building-related strategies to deliver commitments in the Queensland Climate Transition Strategy (QCTS) and the National Energy Productivity Plan (NEPP).
  • Develop Queensland Development Codes to provide appropriate standards for green roofs and green walls and to guide maintenance of the energy efficiency features in commercial buildings.
  • Drive the national agenda to improve the sustainability performance of new privately-owned dwellings and commercial buildings by updating the National Construction Code.
  • Work with Queensland building and design industries to further improve energy efficiency.